Vellum (2020) for Symphonic Orchestra.
The initial 'V' from the manuscript on vellum.
Commission of the festival Gaida. Performed by Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Anu Tali on the 30th of October in the Congress Hall, Vilnius.
Vellum is a “membrane” or animal skin, – a parchment to write on, widely used in the medieval ages. Vellum material represents the membrane of the drum since the vibrational modes of percussive instruments are used to create a harmonic structure of the piece as if writing a manuscript on a vellum. The vibrational modes of untuned percussion used for the harmony in the orchestra are prolongated and pulsing according to it’s frequency and contrasting to the more noisy-percussive and whispering expressions. The distinctive composition parts are fading in and out until the arrival of the climax where whole sound of the hybrid instrument is illuminated. Untuned percussive instruments lead the composition with sustained sounds. Metal instruments are prepared by coupling them with drums, filling the sound and changing the material itself. It is an allusion to a written word transforming a piece of parchment into a manuscript.
Vellum was performed by three orchestras:
Orchestre Pasdeloup (cond. Christian Vásquez), Choeur d’orchestre concert at Paris Philharmonic.
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (cond. Clement Power), Baltic and Estonian Music Days in Tartu.
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (cond. Clement Power), Baltic and Estonian Music Days in Tallinn.
Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra (cond. Anu Tali), festival Gaida, Congress Hall, Vilnius.
Watch a livestream from Baltic and Estonian Music Days in Tallinn, the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Clement Power performs Vellum (2020).
Vellum in Baltic and Estonian Music Days programm:
26th April - Tallinn, 28th April - Tartu, Estonia.
Paris Philharmonic
Orchestre Pasdeloup rehearses with Christian Vásquez and Justina Repečkaitė.
Lawrence Dunn from bachtrack writes about Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, led by British conductor Clement Power concert in a review Oceanic swells, orchestral tangles: Baltic & Estonian Music Days:
“Justina Repečkaitė’s Vellum was the most successful work on the programme. The music seemed confident and direct, something that can be difficult for many composers for whom orchestral pieces are relative rarities. The music felt straightforwardly au courant too. Constructed like other pieces in the programme from waves of dissonant harmonic pile-up, at the piece’s centre was a repeated, unrelenting section built around upward glissandos in horns and strings, sharp violent crescendi and noisy percussion. This section drives itself home, before a short, sinister conclusion, which ends almost as soon as it arrives. Arresting and contemporary.”
— Lawrence Dunn
A glance to woman:six creative characters
The concert was opened by the premiere of J. Repečkaitė’s work “Vellum”. It was like sharp needle stabs to the skin of an uneasy person. J. Repečkaitė is a composer practicing a rational creative approach, composing her works according to the chosen conceptual model. This time, the ideological center is the membrane of the drum, metaphorically identified in the title of the work with vellum – leather parchment for writing. The creator organised the pitch in the score based on the vibrational modes of percussion instruments – the mathematical / physical conceptualization of the composition is typical of J. Repečkaitė. This tendency must have been considerably strengthened by the completion of post-master’s IRCAM courses in Paris. The result was like a zone of constant tension, where the sound of low-pitched strings and continuous percussion laid the foundation for stability (parchment), and the sharp upward moving impulses of string instruments and percussion accents carved this parchment with anxious words, dots, exclamation marks and other signs.
Paulina Nalivaikaitė 03.11.2020
„Gaidos“ dienoraštis: penktoji diena – kitoks žvilgsnis į moteris
Koncertą pradėjo lietuvių autorės J. Repečkaitės kūrinys „Vellum“. Išvertus iš senosios anglų kalbos šis žodis reiškia ploną pergamentą. Iš tikrųjų, žinant pavadinimo reikšmę, kur kas aiškiau suprantami kompozitorės kūrybiniai sprendimai. Nuo pat pirmų sekundžių kūrinys įsupo klausytojus į sonorinių garsų sūkurį, kupiną styginių glissando su sul ponticello atspalviu, mirguliuojančios perkusijos ir charakteringai skambančių stryku braukiamų lėkščių. Šis sonorinis laukas greitai perėjo į subtilų, mikropolifoninės faktūros atmainą primenantį darinį.
Ypač sužavėjo įdomi formos kaita – nuo sonorinio mirguliavimo, tembrinių bangų, vėjo mašinos šnaresio iki tylaus styginių tremolo, užvėrusio kūrinį. Visas muzikinis audinys iš tikrųjų skambėjo tarytum trapus, senovinis pergamentas, saugantis tamsias viduramžių karalių paslaptis.
Beata Juchnevič 31.10.2020